Featured Resources
August 24, 2024—enditnow® Emphasis Day is observed the fourth Sabbath in August. The 2024 sermon packet, Go Find My Sheep, is written by Joanna Daniel.
UPDATED Pastor's and Elder's Handbook for Children's Ministries
A helpful resource to assist church leaders and members nurture children and teens into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.
Leadership Certification
Coordinating children’s ministries in the local church requires more than passion and a love for children.
Resources for Leaders and Teachers
Publications, media, and ideas for those leading out in ministry to children.
Reaching the World Strategic Plan 2020-2025
I Will Go is the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Strategic Focus for the 2020 - 2025 Quinquennium. As a continuation of the Reach the World strategic plan, the I Will Go initiative offers something for the whole church - local churches, missions, conferences, unions, divisions, the General Conference, and institutions. It's a tool to help the Church be more focused and effective in performing critical tasks. This strategic plan is rooted in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28, which calls Jesus' followers to go and make disciples of all nations.
Children's Ministries 25th Anniversary Commemorative Book
To all children's leaders and teachers who love children and are passionate in leading children to say Yes to Jesus. You have spent countless hours serving children. To all the children who fill our churches and halls of activities. God loves each one of you.